
  /  Content Creators   /  PATRYK SADOWSKI – PHOTOGRAPHER
PATRYK SADOWSKI Profile- We Love Ireland


The magic of the Irish outdoors is undeniable, with many landscape photographers going out of their way to experience the beautiful sights that this Island has dreamed up for us. Whether that means, staying up all night, hiking up a mountain, waking up before the crack of dawn, or standing out for hours in the pouring rain in the hopes that a glimpse of sunlight will pierce through, creators are truly made of sterner stuff. None more so than photographer Patryk Sadowski. Born in Poland, but currently based in Derry his goal as a photographer is to create compelling images, the final result has seen Patryk capture some of the most exquisite Irish landscapes in the digital world. His powerful, vibrant tones have been expertly color graded – and we can’t help but fall in love with the magnificent vistas he shares.

Patryk Sadowski -- We Love Ireland


Please tell us a bit about yourself ?

Hello everyone! My name is Patryk, I was born in Poland, but for over 10 years I have been living permanently in Northern Ireland. I have been photographing since 1998, but I became seriously involved in photography in 2005. Whether it’s landscape photography, astrophotography or aerial photography, I can’t imagine my life without it. Especially with such beautiful landscapes at hand.

What would you say is unique about your style ?

I am not sure if my work has a particular style, as I always try to do something new and try to see things from different angles. Nevertheless, the aspect that I always try to pay attention to are details. I always try to transfer a part of myself and how I see the world in my photos.

Where are your favourite spots in Ireland for getting those picture perfect shots ?

I love a lot of places in Ireland. I always try to get something special out of each of them. My favorites for a long time will be An Bearnas Uachtarach and Creeslough in Co. Donegal as well as Fionnloch and Doo Lough in Co. Mayo.

Please can you share the TOP 3 photographs (in your opinion) that you’ve taken and write one sentence about each ?

It’s hard to choose my favourite photos because each has a hint of sympathy.
However, if I have to choose it will be:

1. Illuminated Dunluce Castle and the Milky Way:

This is one of the first photos I took using the light painting technique to highlight unlit subjects at night.

2. Errigal and Lough Agannive at night with starry sky accompaniment :

There is nothing better than a clear night sky and the peace that can be experienced in places far away from cities.

3. A bird’s eye view of the Mussenden Temple with a cliff and crashing waves :

Even though it’s usually a place full of people, it has a lot of magic and epic to it.

Are there any destinations in Ireland that are high on your list to visit ?

Definitely Skellig Islands and Dunlough Castle. I have been planning this trip for years. I would also love to visit the Kerry International Dark Sky Reserve.

Three people (living or dead) you’d invite to dinner ?

Hands down, Neil DeGrasse Tyson – There are so many things I want to ask him that I don’t know if we would eat anything during this time.
Jordan Peterson – Probably because I admire his rationality, we also share a similar view on many things.
Hugh Brownstone – from Three Blind Men & an Elephant, he is a filmmaker, photographer with amazing experience.

*All images in the above article were captured by photographer Patryk Sadowski

For more information on Patryk’s work, you can visit his social media accounts below:

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