Aerial content creator, drone pilot enthusiast Conor Corbett. One look through his Insta grid you will get a sense of empowerment, sense of freedom and adrenaline rush. You feel like you are literally up there on the journey with the pilot. Conor is creating content from a whole new perspective and his followers can bear witness to the fact his aerial photography can present things that appear normal on the ground level more magical from above. People are simply fascinated with the idea of seeing Ireland from above because it was never something easily accessible prior to the introduction of drones into the photography scene and Conor’s content has won the hearts of many.

Please tell us a bit about yourself ?
Hi i am Conor, an aerial photography hobbyist from Co.Antrim. Most people think I am from Donegal judging by most of my shots!
What would you say is unique about your style ?
Coastal photography is where I belong I feel. We have fantastic stretching beaches and dramatic cliffs and scenery. I enjoy the challenges of the coast. The wind can be a problems at times, but you learn to work with the weather conditions. I love watching the was waves crash and also waiting for the right moment to capture it! There’s a lot going on behind the controls… I love the thought process too… When everything goes to plan I can walk away happy.
Where are your favourite spots in Ireland for getting those picture perfect shots ?
It has to the the Wild Atlantic Way! From Donegal to Cork. I love the coast, love the barren landscapes and love the dramatic cliffs and coastline Ireland has to offer! I am a firm believer that the sea has a calming effect on the soul… I also love the challenge and thought process that goes into aerial photography. It really is a different perspective from the air, you learn to appreciate the beauty of Ireland. I also love the historical side of things, the county is steeped in history! From Castles to Ring Forts, Lighthouses, Martello Towers, old WW2 lookout posts and of course Éire Signs! For me it’s also a history adventure as well as a photography one!
Please can you share the TOP 3 photographs (in your opinion) that you’ve taken and write one sentence about each ?
1. Benbulben in Co. Sligo:
Stunning detail and views. It is definitely an iconic Irish giant!

2. Grianán of Aileach in Co. Dongeal:
Some of the best views in Ireland and also steeped in history. I could photograph it all day long.

3. The Liam Emery Celtic Cross in Co. Donegal:
A genius idea from Liam Emery. The cross is planted in Japanese Larch and becomes truly visible in the Autumn with the needles turning a golden colour.

Are there any destinations in Ireland that are high on your list to visit ?
Fastnet Lighthouse is top of my list. Also the coast of West Cork. I have tried Mizen Head a few times but never really got the results I was hoping for, so maybe next time I’ll finally crack it!
Three people (living or dead) you’d invite to dinner ?
John Eagle – Author of Ireland’s Lighthouses.
Peter Cox – Author of Atlantic Light.
Michael Collins – AKA The Big Fella.
*All images in the above article were captured by photographer Conor Corbett