New Food Yard In Wexford
he new venture has exploded over the past couple of weeks with a range of street food vendors calling this new 'Food Yard' in Wexford town home.
A chocolate sculptor has created one of the most unusual exhibitions
This sounds like a dream job, doesn’t it? This impressive art form takes chocolate making to a whole new level of creativity and fun—and let’s face it, chomping down on a chocolate fiddle sounds far more enjoyable than a simple Snickers.
5 of Ireland’s Best Fish & Chip Restaurants
Fish and chips is an Irish institution in every sense of the word – no other dish encapsulates the summer cuisine better But with so many fish and chip eateries operating all over the Ireland, it can take a long time to seek out the establishments that
5 of Ireland’s Best Ice Cream Destinations This Summer
While the sun may not shine for much of the year, as soon as summer comes around the Island - Ice cream sales shoot through the roof. Hearing that first jingle of the ice cream van has us craving soft scoop for three months straight. Francis Ford
CÚ CHULAINN – The Superhuman Of Irish Myth
CÚ CHULAINN - The Superhuman Of Irish Myth - Cú Chulainn, also called Cuchulain, Cuchulinn, or Cuchullin, in medieval Irish literature, the central character of the Ulster (Ulaid) cycle.